Proclaiming God's Truth with Biblical Distinctions
Truth, Teaching & Bible

"...the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth." 1 Timothy 3:15
"I am the way, and the truth..."
John 14:6
Truth Perspective is committed to equipping believers with a perspective shaped by Scripture and encouraging Christians through the positive, practical, biblical teaching of God's Word.
There is no question that a desperate need exists for the uncompromising proclamation of God's Word in an age where biblical truth and teaching are rapidly eroding and where doctrinal truth is being compromised on many different fronts. Here at Truth Perspective, the truth is declared in a clear and uncompromising way through solid Bible teaching.
We firmly believe that truth is the sole authority for faith and practice and is discovered, defined, and rooted in God's infallible Word. In the gospel of John, Christ declared Himself as the very personification and embodiment of all truth when He answered by saying, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6).
By understanding God's truth, an individual can know Jesus as Savior by faith and learn to live a spiritually discerning life. We believe this transformation takes place by God's grace, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
We also believe there are clear and recognizable biblical distinctions presented in Scripture that should be understood and consistently followed by each serious student of the Bible, resulting in a faithful and literal interpretation of God's Word. In addition, this provides the student of the Word with a proper biblical worldview perspective shaped solely by Scripture.
Truth Perspective's primary goal is to take the message of Christ and to declare God's truth through a series of Bible-based articles, sermons, videos, documentaries, and other various teaching resources.
Our prayerful mission is that God will use Truth Perspective Ministries to help believers to grow spiritually in Christ, with a strong emphasis placed upon the present indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit who empowers each believer to live a victorious Christian life.
We pray that the Lord will use this ministry to passionately stir your heart to have a more genuine love for our Savior and His truth!
Yours to make the gospel known,
Jesse M. Jackson
Founder and Editor-in-Chief