Latest ArticlesMethodism's Doctrinal Decline (Part 2)By Jesse M. Jackson As he assessed the dangerous conditions that threatened American pastors, churches, and seminaries in 1901, Methodist...
Latest ArticlesMethodism's Doctrinal Decline (Part 1)By Jesse M. Jackson We live in a day when there is a desperate need for the proclamation of God’s Word and where biblical truth is...
Latest ArticlesOnly a Prayer-Meeting! by C.H. Spurgeon Recommended Reading: From time to time Truth Perspective enjoys recommending certain books that help grow the believer towards...
Dispensational DigestMisrepresenting DispensationalismDispensationalism is commonly understood as a system of Bible interpretation. It is the most helpful tool in arriving at a consistent...
Latest ArticlesUnderstanding Prayer (Part 1)The subject of prayer can be a broad topic for discussion. Due to such a lengthy biblical topic, these upcoming articles on Understanding...